Job-killing taxes?

“We can’t raise taxes, that will drive away jobs!” Such is the oft-repeated refrain uttered by Republicans at the Capitol. The implication is that it’s a direct correlation: high taxes means fewer jobs. But is that really the case? The statistics seem to say otherwise.

Tax Incidence Update

Minnesota’s latest tax incidence study came out this week (and can be found here). I’ve written about it before, and the trends are pretty much the same as previous studies. Two graphs jump out at me. The first is the overall effective tax rate: It peaked in 1994, and since 2000, has stayed remarkably stable.… Continue reading Tax Incidence Update

New GnuPG key

My GnuPG key was set to expire at the end of this year, so I created a new one. The key is located here. In the extremely unlikely event you need to email me something securely, use this! I’m a big fan of crypto and secure email. Too bad I so rarely have need to… Continue reading New GnuPG key