Bonjour!: mDNS and iTunes Home Sharing on EdgeOS

Ever since I’ve set up my home network, Home Sharing hasn’t worked between our Apple TV and my desktop computer. It’s been a minor annoyance that I really didn’t look into before now, but I had some time yesterday to troubleshoot it and get it working just in time to watch Little Women, which Julia… Continue reading Bonjour!: mDNS and iTunes Home Sharing on EdgeOS


I’ve been a bit preoccupied lately due to the birth of our daughter Sonja. As I’ve written about before, this pregnancy has been up and down, full of surprises. This continued when Sonja came much earlier than we were expecting, at 33½ weeks gestation. The good news is that she’s a fighter and she’s been… Continue reading Sonja

Categorized as Personal

Installing Google Authenticator on CentOS

After a conversation at work about how easy it is to use Google Authenticator for two-factor authentication, I decided that installing Google Authenticator on my CentOS server would be my next project. After all, I had recently automated download of website log files, and I needed to find the next to-do at home. Installing Google… Continue reading Installing Google Authenticator on CentOS

Log File Automation

When I set up Splunk reporting for my website, it was a purely manual process, and I left for the future the goal of pulling the logs automatically. Since then, that’s exactly what I’ve done, so now it runs completely automatically. Below is how.

Categorized as Tech Tagged

Setting up a PKI

Since setting up my home network, I’ve been playing around with pieces of it. Today, when I was logging into the web interface of my EdgeLite Router, I noticed that dreaded red X through the https in Chrome, because Chrome didn’t trust the default self-signed certificate that came with the router. Why not replace that… Continue reading Setting up a PKI

Windows Woes

I’m not much of a fan of Windows, but a couple of applications that I use a lot (Quicken and Adobe Lightroom, for example) don’t run on Linux. Also, gaming on Windows is still much easier than gaming on Linux. As a result, I use Window 7 Ultimate as my main computer. Yesterday, when I… Continue reading Windows Woes