Review: Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Last weekend Julia and I ended the tyranny of our T-Mobile contract (even though the merger with AT&T fell through, I was sufficiently spooked by the spectre of giving money to AT&T that we bailed). AT&T being out of the question, as well as Sprint, our choice was none else but Verizon. Verizon had two… Continue reading Review: Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Categorized as Tech

Google and Privacy

Google unveiled its new privacy policy a week ago, and it has raised quite the commotion on the intertubes. Some people say that Google has gone too far. Members of Congress have sent letters to Google demanding answers. Some wonder if the FTC will get involved. Me? I’m worried in general about privacy, and I… Continue reading Google and Privacy

Categorized as Tech Tagged

Windows 7 UTC Time Issue

I’ve had a problem with my computer lately with the clock being consistently slow, even though it is set to sync to an internet time server every day. Whenever I would manually sync it to an internet time server, the time would be correct for an hour or so, then suddenly lose time. Before, it… Continue reading Windows 7 UTC Time Issue

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Closed-source software I use

As I’ve said before, I like using open source software whenever I can. So what close-sourced software do I use? Here’s the list below the jump:

Open source for school

I’ve said several times on this blog that I am a strong believer in open source software. I’ve found that it’s pretty easy to find open source replacements for most of the things you need to do on a computer on a daily basis. Then past year has shown that this applies just as much… Continue reading Open source for school

Computers break in strange ways

I’ve been incommunicado for a bit due to yet another computer malfunction. This was a truly bizarre one, and the diagnosis I made, strange and unlikely as I thought it was, turned out to be correct. It’s a reminder that computers can fail in rather odd ways.