Dealing With Stolen Credit Cards

How funny: the day after I write about password breaches, I learn that one of my credit care numbers has been stolen. Thankfully, though, I was well prepared for this event, and should be back to normal operations very quickly.

Breaking Encryption

The big news today is that the NSA has “broken” much internet encryption. Details are scarce, and comments are plentiful, but it’s important to understand at a high level what it means to “break” encryption. There are essentially three ways to “break” encryption, and they all mean different things.

Spying and corporate fallout

For good reason, a lot of discussion about recent NSA revelations has focused on the government, what they are actually doing, and what controls are in place. However, it’s important to keep in mind, however, that most of the data collection utilized the services of private companies in one of the best examples of outsourcing… Continue reading Spying and corporate fallout

Chrome security and best practices

Many in the security community are all atwitter about the Chrome browser not encrypting passwords. They call this bad security; a lot of people disagree. I tend to agree with the latter group: putting a master password or otherwise putting some kind of encryption in Chrome’s password store wouldn’t materially increase security, and would give… Continue reading Chrome security and best practices

The CISSP Exam

Last Sunday, I took and passed the CISSP exam. I had made it a personal goal to pass the exam before the end of the year, and I’m happy to say that I have achieved my goal. What was my study plan? Read on…

Privacy Around Me

There has been a lot of ink spilled about the Girls Around Me app that was introduced, and then pulled from the iPhone App Store. For those who are unaware, the app used the geolocation aspects of existing websites, such as Foursquare and Facebook, to show the user where women were located close to them.… Continue reading Privacy Around Me