…And All That

There’s a lot going on right now. Too much, in fact, what with Europe teetering on the edge, Romney flying around the world with both feet in his mouth, half of India dark, and something fun going on in London. All of that is too much to comment on individually. But it all ties together,… Continue reading …And All That

Different Rules

If there is one thing that is evident this election cycle (and, more broadly, throughout the ongoing financial meltdown that has been going on for years now), it’s that the wealthy play by a very different set of rules from the rest of us. Sometimes, the things they do are technically illegal, but end up… Continue reading Different Rules

New Photos: Photo Walk

One of the fun things about working at Target is that there are a ton of groups set up on just about every interest imaginable in order to make the company a little smaller. One of these group is the Photography Network, and this week, over lunch one day, we went for a photo walk… Continue reading New Photos: Photo Walk