Snail mail tracert

I moved a month ago, and I have yet to received any forwarded mail from the U.S. Postal Service. I filled out the Change of Address form well in advance, and even got confirmation at both my old and current addresses. But I haven’t received any forwarded mail at my new place. I’ve checked with post offices at both my old place and new place, and they swear everything is set up correctly and working. But still no mail.

As a network administrator, I know what to do when I’m not receiving or transmitting things properly on a network: I pull out the old trusty tracert to find out where things are going astray. As far as I know, the USPS doesn’t have such nice network utilties, so I’m doing the next best thing: sending a certified letter to myself to see where it ends up. Hopefully, the tracking so provided will help trace which black hole my mail is currently disappearing in.

This is not an ideal solution compared to tracert: first, the results are not instantaneous, and second, the results are far from free; this is setting me back $5. But it’s the best thing I can think of at the moment.